Power BI assets
To view Power BI assets in the Paradime catalog, you must connect the Power BI integration first to pull Datasets, Reports and Dashboards
In the Paradime catalog you can find Power BI Datasets with metadata directly from your Power BI API.
What can you find in a Power BI Dataset data product?
The date when the Dataset was created
The Power BI Workspace Name
The user email who configured the Power BI Dataset
In the Paradime catalog you can find Power BI Reports with metadata directly from your Power BI API.
What can you find in a Power BI Report data product?
The date when the Report was created
The date when the Report was last modified
The Power BI Workspace Name
The user email who created the Power BI Report
The user email who last modified the Power BI Report
In the Paradime catalog you can find Power BI Dashboard with metadata directly from your Power BI API.
What can you find in a Power BI Dashboard data product?
The date when the Dashboard was created
The date when the Dashboard was last modified
The Power BI Workspace Name
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