Schedule notifications

You can configure at each individual schedule level granular notifications to alert users in your organization of a schedule run completed successfully or failing or both via Slack and/or emails.

Configure Slack notifications

You can configure Paradime to send notifications for each Bolt schedule in the event of a schedule failing to run or failing with errors.

To receive notifications in Slack, the Paradime Slack app needs to be connected to your workspace. Check our integration guide below



The Paradime Slack app can notify channels or individual users as per your schedule configuration parameters. See below example configuration.

  slack_on: #the configuration of when a notification is triggered. Here we want to send a notification when the run is completed either successfully or when failing
    - passed
    - failed
  slack_notify: #the channel/user that will be notified
    - "#data-alerts"
    - "@john"
How do I find my Slack username?

Your Slack username may not necessarily be the same as the name you see in the Slack workspace where Slack display will show the full name or display name you've set in your Slack profile.

To find your actual Slack username, go to your profile and then open the Account Settings:

Scroll at the bottom of the page and you will see a section called Username. Click on Expand and you will find your actual username in the input box.

This is the username that you will use in the slack_notify configuration.

To send notification to a Slack channel:

  1. slack_on configuration must be defined

  2. The channel must be specified in your slack_notify configuration

  3. The Paradime bot must be invited to the Slack channel where you want to send notifications.

  • To invite the Paradime bot to a slack channel simply type /invite @paradime to enable the Paradime both to send notifications in your channel. To remove it use /kick @paradime

  • Individual user will be directly notified by the Paradime Slack App when added to the slack_notify configuration of your schedule.

Configure Email notifications

You can configure Paradime to send email notifications for each individual job in the event of a schedule failing to run or failing with errors.


You can notify one or multiple email addressed as per your schedule configuration parameters. See below example configuration.

  email_on:  #the configuration of when a notification is triggered. Here we want to send a notification when the run is completed either successfully or when failing
    - passed
    - failed
  email_notify: #the email addresses that will be notified
    - ""
    - ""

Last updated