Understanding schedule types and triggers

Scheduling is a crucial part of managing your data workflows. Paradime offers flexible options to ensure your jobs run exactly when you need them and in the most efficient manner.

Estimated completion time: 10 minutes


What You'll Learn

In this guide, you'll learn about:

  1. Different types of Bolt schedules (Standard, Deferred, and Turbo CI) and when to use them

  2. Various schedule triggers (Scheduled run, On Run Completion, On Merge, Bolt API) and when to use them)

  3. Schedule statuses and their meanings

1. Schedule Types

Paradime supports three main schedule types, each designed for specific use cases:

For more details on setting up each type, refer to our advanced scheduling documentation.

2. Schedule Triggers

Paradime supports four main schedule triggers:

3. Schedule Statuses

As you manage multiple Bolt schedules, you'll encounter the following statuses:


You've learned about the different types of Bolt schedules, various trigger methods, and schedule statuses. This knowledge will help you choose the right schedule type and trigger for your specific use cases, and understand the status of your running schedules.

Next, we'll explore how to view run history and analytics for your Bolt schedules, which will help you monitor and optimize your dbt™ workflows.

Last updated