
The Paradime Bolt scheduler support scheduling Hightouch syncs to run as soon as a Paradime schedule completes. This will ensure that Hightouch will perform syncs when fresh data is available.

Check how to connect to Hightouch in our integration guide below.


Hightouch Sync configuration

To enabled a Paradime schedule to trigger a sync in Hightouch we will need to set the sync to schedule type Manual when creating it.

To edit the schedule type of an existing Hightouch sync, click on the Syncs tab in the left panel and select the sync from your list. Then click on the Schedule tab configuration and select Manual from the list.

After configuring the sync to Manual we will need the slug for the syncs that you want to trigger after a Paradime schedules completes.

You can find this by open viewing the sync details in Highotuch on the top of your screen.

Paradime Schedule Configuration

After the Hightouch integration is connected, in the paradime_schedules.yml file you will need to add additional configurations to specify which sync should run when a Paradime schedule completes.

For each individual schedule you will be able to set whether you want the sync to be trigger after a it completes with status Passed, Failed or both. You can then add the slugs of all the Hightouch syncs that will be triggered by the specified schedule in Paradime.

Example schedule configuration with Hightouch Sync

  - name: hourly # the name of your schedule
    schedule: "@hourly" # the schedule cron configuration
    environment: production #the environment used to run the schedule -> this is always production
      - dbt source freshness # must be run again to compare current to previous state
      - dbt build --select source_status:fresher+
    owner_email: john@acme.com #the email of the schedule owner
    slack_on: # the configuration of when a notification is triggered. Here we want to send a notification when the run is completed either successfully or when failing
      - passed
      - failed
    slack_notify: # the channel/user that will be notified
      - "#data-alerts"
      - "@john"
    email_notify: # the email addresses that will be notified
      - "john@acme.com"
      - "data_team@acme.com"
    email_on: # the configuration of when a notification is triggered. Here we want to send a notification when the run is completed either successfully or when failing
      - passed
      - failed
      enabled: true
        - passed
        - failed
        - "google-sheets-refresh"
        - "hubspot-leads-enrichment"

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