Migrating from dbt™ cloud to Paradime

You can migrate all your dbt Cloud™️ jobs in Paradime with one click.

Note that access to the dbt Cloud™️ API is included only on the Team and Enterprise plans.

Create Service Token

In dbt Cloud™️, navigate to the account setting screen by clicking on the ⚙️ on the top-right of your screen and in the left panel select the Service Token option from the menu.

Click on the New Token option to create a new Service Token. Set paradime as token name and make sure to set:

  • Permission set as Account Admin

  • Project as All Projects

You can then click on the Save button on the bottom right of the screen to create your Service Token.

You will not be able to view this token again after generating it, so make sure to save it securely as we will need this in the next step to setup the integration.

This will allow Paradime to read the configurations details of your dbt™️ jobs, so that we can import these as Bolt Schedules. You can find more details about dbt Cloud™️ API Service Token permissions here.

Connect the dbt Cloud™️ integration

The dbt Cloud™️ integration can be connected by a Paradime Admin. To enable the integration, in Paradime navigate to your Account Settings > Integrations, find the dbt Cloud™️ integration and click Connect.

  • Host Name: simply copy your dbt Cloud™️ url and paste it in this field, make sure to include the account as in the below example

  • Service Account Token: enter the Token you have generated in the previous step in dbt Cloud™️

Click on Test Connection to validate that Paradime can connect to dbt Cloud™️ API and start the import.

View Imported dbt Cloud™️ Jobs in Paradime

After the import is completed, Paradime will create new Bolt schedules using the dbt™️ Cloud Jobs' configurations.

You can now click on view imported jobs to view all the imported dbt™️ Cloud jobs in the Paradime Bolt UI. When ready, simply turn them on by updating the cron schedule configurations.

Last updated