Search, Find, and Replace

The Paradime IDE provides powerful search, find & replace functionality, enabling efficient project navigation and time-saving development.

To launch the File Navigation Menu Menu, use ⌘P(MacOS) or Ctrl+P(Windows).

Additionally, you can search for any term within your project by clicking the search icon 🔍

By default git ignored files are not included in the search results.

If you want to include ignored files like compiled files generated by dbt™️ commands in your /target folder, while the File Navigation menu is opened, use ⌘P(MacOS) or Ctrl+P(Windows) one more time to enable including also ignored files in the results.

Global Find & Replace

In the Paradime IDE you can find and replace across multiple files in your repository. Open the find and replace panel 🔍 and enter the term you want to search for.

Advanced Search Toggles

You can refine your search using advanced search toggles:

Advanced Search ToggleDescriptionExample

Match Case

Match the exact case of the search term.

Search term: Date Matches: Date Does not match: date

Match Whole Word

Match the whole word only.

Search term: date Matches: date Does not match: order_date

Use Regular Expressions

Use regular expressions for more complex searches.

Search term: date* Matches: date, dates, dated Does not match: database, mandate

Include Ignored Files

Include files types are ignored by the search (e.g., files listed in .gitignore).

Search term: date Matches: date in files like .md, .json, .log, etc.

Current open file Find & Replace

Paradime allows you to quickly find text and replace it in the currently opened file. Press ⌘F on macOS or CTRL+F on Windows to open the Find widget in the editor. The search results will be highlighted in the editor, overview ruler and minimap.

If there is more than one matched result in the current opened file, you can press Enter or ⇧Enter to navigate to the next or previous result when the find input box is focused.

Last updated