Generate a password for the Paradime user and replace the placeholder text <your_generated_password_here> in the step below.
-- 1.### create user and roleuserole useradmin;createuserifnotexists paradime_cost_userpassword='<your_generated_password_here>' default_role = paradime_cost_role default_warehouse = paradime_warehouse comment ='Used by for cost analytics';createroleifnotexists paradime_cost_role comment ='Used by for cost analytics';grantrole paradime_cost_role torole sysadmin;grantrole paradime_cost_role to user paradime_cost_user;
Before running this command, you will need to update STORAGE_AWS_ROLE_ARN and STORAGE_ALLOWED_LOCATIONS with your own region and company token.
You can find the region and company token in the Paradime workspace settings page. Company & Workspace token
-- 3.### Create S3 integrationuserole accountadmin;createorreplace storage integration PARADIME_S3_STORAGE_INTEGRATIONtype= external_stage storage_provider ='S3'enabled= true STORAGE_AWS_ROLE_ARN ='arn:aws:iam::817727247863:role/paradime-snowflake-role-<your_paradime_region>-<your_company_token>'-- replace company token and region before running this command STORAGE_ALLOWED_LOCATIONS = ('s3://paradime-s3-<your_company_token>-<your_paradime_region>/snowflake/'); -- replace company token and region before running this commandgrant usage on integration PARADIME_S3_STORAGE_INTEGRATION torole paradime_cost_role;
If you have set PREVENT_UNLOAD_TO_INLINE_URL to true, you can optionally use a named stage. To set this up run the below script.
Before running this command, you will need to update URL with your own region and company token. You can find the region and company token in the Paradime workspace settings page. Company & Workspace token
-- 3.### Optional when using a named stageuserole accountadmin;create stage PARADIME_COST_ANALYTICS.CORE.PARADIME_EXPORTurl='s3://paradime-s3-<your_company_token>-<your_paradime_region>/snowflake/'-- replace company token and region before running this command storage_integration = PARADIME_S3_STORAGE_INTEGRATION;grant usage on stage PARADIME_COST_ANALYTICS.CORE.PARADIME_EXPORT torole paradime_cost_role;
Create a new database and schema for Paradime
-- 4. ### create paradime db and schemas and grant accessuserole accountadmin;create or replacedatabasePARADIME_COST_ANALYTICS;create or replaceschemaPARADIME_COST_ANALYTICS.CORE;grant usage ondatabase PARADIME_COST_ANALYTICS torole paradime_cost_role;grant usage onschema PARADIME_COST_ANALYTICS.CORE torole paradime_cost_role;
Create a new Snowflake file format
-- 5.### Create fileformat and grant privilegesuserole accountadmin;createorreplacefile format PARADIME_COST_ANALYTICS.CORE.PARADIME_JSON_FORMATtype= JSON NULL_IF = ();grant all privileges onfile format PARADIME_COST_ANALYTICS.CORE.PARADIME_JSON_FORMAT to paradime_cost_role;
Grant access to Snowflake metadata to the Paradime user
-- 6.### grant access to Snowflake metadatauserole accountadmin;grant imported privileges ondatabase snowflake torole paradime_cost_role;
Enable the Paradime user to manage and monitor Snowflake Warehouses
-- 7.### grant access to monitor warehousesuserole accountadmin;grant monitor usage on account torole paradime_cost_role;--- ### grant paradime the access to manage warehousesuserole accountadmin;grant manage warehouses on account torole paradime_cost_role;--- ### grant paradime the access to manage tasksuserole accountadmin; grantcreate TASK onschema PARADIME_COST_ANALYTICS.CORE torole paradime_cost_role;grantexecute TASK on ACCOUNT TO ROLE paradime_cost_role;
Ensure your account has ORGADMIN access
Paradime relies on views from the snowflake.organization_usage such as the snowflake.organization_usage.rate_sheet_daily view is used to retrieve your daily rate for each Snowflake service (example the cost per credit for compute resources and cost per terabyte for storage).
To verify if these views are populated in your account, please execute the following SQL statement:
--- ### check the rate_sheet_daily view contains datauserole accountadmin;select*from snowflake.organization_usage.rate_sheet_daily;
If records are returned, you're all set 🙌
If the SQL statement returns no records, it likely means that the ORGADMIN role is not enabled for the account. To enable it, follow these steps:
Log into a Snowflake account within your organization that has the ORGADMIN role enabled (at least one account should have this role).
Navigate to the sidebar and click on "Admin" and then "Accounts".
Locate the account you want to connect to Paradime enable the ORGADMIN role for that account.
💡 It can take up to 1 day for these views become populated with data after running this statement
Purchased your Snowflake credits through a reseller?
If you purchased your Snowflake contract or credits through a reseller, such as the AWS Marketplace, you will not have access to the organization_usage views even after executing the steps mentioned above to enable the ORGADMIN role.
Share a copy of your latest Snowflake invoice with the Paradime team (via chat or by emailing so that we can manually input the applicable rates for your account.
Full script here 👇
Snowflake setup guide script
-- 1.### create user and roleuserole useradmin;createuserifnotexists paradime_cost_userpassword='<you_generated_password_here>' default_role = paradime_cost_role default_warehouse = paradime_warehouse comment ='Used by for cost analytics';createroleifnotexists paradime_cost_role comment ='Used by for cost analytics';grantrole paradime_cost_role torole sysadmin;grantrole paradime_cost_role to user paradime_cost_user;-- 2.### create warehouseuserole sysadmin;create warehouse ifnotexists paradime_warehouse warehouse_size=xsmall auto_suspend=60 initially_suspended=true comment ='Used by for cost analytics';grant monitor, operate, usage, modifyon warehouse paradime_warehouse torole paradime_cost_role;-- 3.### Create S3 integrationuserole accountadmin;createorreplace storage integration PARADIME_S3_STORAGE_INTEGRATIONtype= external_stage storage_provider ='S3'enabled= true STORAGE_AWS_ROLE_ARN ='arn:aws:iam::817727247863:role/paradime-snowflake-role-<your_paradime_region>-<your_company_token>'-- replace company token and region before running this command STORAGE_ALLOWED_LOCATIONS = ('s3://paradime-s3-<your_company_token>-<your_paradime_region>/snowflake/'); -- replace company token and region before running this commandgrant usage on integration PARADIME_S3_STORAGE_INTEGRATION torole paradime_cost_role;-- 4. ### create paradime db and schemas and grant accessuserole accountadmin;create or replacedatabasePARADIME_COST_ANALYTICS;create or replaceschemaPARADIME_COST_ANALYTICS.CORE;grant usage ondatabase PARADIME_COST_ANALYTICS torole paradime_cost_role;grant usage onschema PARADIME_COST_ANALYTICS.CORE torole paradime_cost_role;-- 5.### Create fileformat and grant privilegesuserole accountadmin;createorreplacefile format PARADIME_COST_ANALYTICS.CORE.PARADIME_JSON_FORMATtype= JSON NULL_IF = ();grant all privileges onfile format PARADIME_COST_ANALYTICS.CORE.PARADIME_JSON_FORMAT to paradime_cost_role;-- 6.### grant access to Snowflake metadatauserole accountadmin;grant imported privileges ondatabase snowflake torole paradime_cost_role;-- 7.### grant access to monitor warehousesuserole accountadmin;grant monitor usage on account torole paradime_cost_role;--- ### grant paradime the access to manage warehousesuserole accountadmin;grant manage warehouses on account torole paradime_cost_role;--- ### grant paradime the access to manage tasksuserole accountadmin; grantcreate TASK onschema PARADIME_COST_ANALYTICS.CORE torole paradime_cost_role;grantexecute TASK on ACCOUNT TO ROLE paradime_cost_role;--- ### check the rate_sheet_daily view contains datauserole accountadmin;select*from snowflake.organization_usage.rate_sheet_daily;
2. dbt™️ project setup guide
Create a macro to manage query comments
To enable Paradime to enrich your Snowflake queries with additional metadata you will need to create a new dbt™️ macro called get_query_comment.sql in the macros folder of your project.
get_query_comment.sql dbt™️ macro
{% macro get_query_comment(node, extra = {}) %} {%-set comment_dict = extra -%} {%- do comment_dict.update( app='dbt', dbt_version=dbt_version, project_name=project_name,, target_database=target.database, target_schema=target.schema, invocation_id=invocation_id ) -%} {%-if node isnotnone-%} {%- do comment_dict.update(, node_alias=node.alias, node_package_name=node.package_name, node_original_file_path=node.original_file_path, node_database=node.database, node_schema=node.schema, node_id=node.unique_id, node_resource_type=node.resource_type, node_meta=node.config.meta, node_tags=node.tags, full_refresh=flags.FULL_REFRESH, which=flags.WHICH, ) -%} {%-if flags.INVOCATION_COMMAND -%} {%- do comment_dict.update( invocation_command=flags.INVOCATION_COMMAND ) -%} {%- endif -%} {%-if node.resource_type != ('seed') -%} {# Otherwise this throws an error saying 'Seeds cannot depend on other nodes.' #} {%-if node.refs is defined -%} {% set refs = [] %} {% for ref in node.refs %} {%-if dbt_version >='1.5.0'-%} {%- do refs.append( -%} {%-else-%} {%- do refs.append(ref[0]) -%} {%- endif -%} {% endfor %} {%- do comment_dict.update( node_refs=refs | unique | list ) -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%} {%-if node.resource_type =='model'-%} {%- do comment_dict.update( materialized=node.config.materialized, ) -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%}--- only if using dbt cloud {%-if env_var('DBT_CLOUD_PROJECT_ID', False) -%} {%- do comment_dict.update( dbt_cloud_project_id=env_var('DBT_CLOUD_PROJECT_ID') ) -%} {%- endif -%} {%-if env_var('DBT_CLOUD_JOB_ID', False) -%} {%- do comment_dict.update( dbt_cloud_job_id=env_var('DBT_CLOUD_JOB_ID') ) -%} {%- endif -%} {%-if env_var('DBT_CLOUD_RUN_ID', False) -%} {%- do comment_dict.update( dbt_cloud_run_id=env_var('DBT_CLOUD_RUN_ID') ) -%} {%- endif -%} {%-if env_var('DBT_CLOUD_RUN_REASON_CATEGORY', False) -%} {%- do comment_dict.update( dbt_cloud_run_reason_category=env_var('DBT_CLOUD_RUN_REASON_CATEGORY') ) -%} {%- endif -%} {%-if env_var('DBT_CLOUD_RUN_REASON', False) -%} {%- do comment_dict.update( dbt_cloud_run_reason=env_var('DBT_CLOUD_RUN_REASON') ) -%} {%- endif -%}-- only if using bolt scheduler {%-if env_var('PARADIME_SCHEDULE_NAME', False) -%} {%- do comment_dict.update( paradime_schedule_name=env_var('PARADIME_SCHEDULE_NAME') ) -%} {%- endif -%} {%-if env_var('PARADIME_SCHEDULE_RUN_ID', False) -%} {%- do comment_dict.update( paradime_schedule_run_id=env_var('PARADIME_SCHEDULE_RUN_ID') ) -%} {%- endif -%} {%-if env_var('PARADIME_SCHEDULE_RUN_START_DTTM', False) -%} {%- do comment_dict.update( paradime_schedule_run_start_dttm=env_var('PARADIME_SCHEDULE_RUN_START_DTTM') ) -%} {%- endif -%} {%-if env_var('PARADIME_SCHEDULE_TRIGGER', False) -%} {%- do comment_dict.update( paradime_schedule_trigger=env_var('PARADIME_SCHEDULE_TRIGGER') ) -%} {%- endif -%} {%-if env_var('PARADIME_SCHEDULE_GIT_SHA', False) -%} {%- do comment_dict.update( paradime_schedule_git_sha=env_var('PARADIME_SCHEDULE_GIT_SHA') ) -%} {%- endif -%} {{ return(tojson(comment_dict)) }}{% endmacro %}
Update your dbt_project.yml file
This step ensures that with each dbt™️ run, the query comment is appended to the query running in Snowflake.