Sigma assets

To view Sigma assets in the Paradime catalog, you must connect the Sigma integration first to pull Elements, Pages and Workbooks



In the Paradime catalog you can find Sigma Elements with metadata directly from your Sigma API.

What can you find in a Sigma Elements data product?

  • The Sigma Element visualization type

  • The Sigma Element related workbook page

  • The Sigma Element related workbook name


In the Paradime catalog you can find Sigma Pages with metadata directly from your Sigma API.

What can you find in a Sigma Pages data product?

  • The Sigma Page related workbook name


In the Paradime catalog you can find Sigma Workbooks with metadata directly from your Sigma API.

What can you find in a Sigma Workbooks data product?

  • The date when the Workbook was created

  • The date when the Workbook was last modified

  • The path to the workbook in Sigma

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