dbt™️ Script checks


What it does

Ensures that the script contains only existing sources or macros.

When to use it

Make sure you have only valid ref and sources in your script and you do not want to wait for dbt run to find them. This hook also finds all missing ref and sources, not find first missing only.


--manifest: location of manifest.json file. Usually target/manifest.json. This file contains a full representation of dbt project. Default: target/manifest.json


  - repo: https://github.com/dbt-checkpoint/dbt-checkpoint
    rev: v1.0.0
      - id: check-script-ref-and-source


Model exists in manifest.json 1

Model exists in catalog.json 2

✅ Yes

❌ Not needed

1 It means that you need to run dbt parse before run this hook (dbt >= 1.5). 2 It means that you need to run dbt docs generate before run this hook.


What it does

Ensure that the script does not have a semicolon at the end of the file.

When to use it

Make sure you did not provide a semicolon at the end of the file.


  - repo: https://github.com/dbt-checkpoint/dbt-checkpoint
    rev: v1.0.0
      - id: check-script-semicolon

How it works

  • Hook takes all changed SQL files.

  • It parses SQL and finds all sources and refs. If those objects do not exist in manifest.json, the hook fails.


Model exists in manifest.json 1

Model exists in catalog.json 2

✅ Yes

❌ Not needed

1 It means that you need to run dbt parse before run this hook (dbt >= 1.5). 2 It means that you need to run dbt docs generate before run this hook.

How it works

  • Hook takes all changed SQL files.

  • If the file contains a semicolon at the end of the file, the hook fails.


What it does

Ensures that the script is using only source or ref macro to specify the table name.

When to use it

To make sure that you have only refs and sources in your SQL files.


--ignore-dotless-table: consider all tables without dot in name as CTE


  - repo: https://github.com/dbt-checkpoint/dbt-checkpoint
    rev: v1.0.0
      - id: check-script-has-no-table-name


Model exists in manifest.json 1

Model exists in catalog.json 2

❌ Not needed

❌ Not needed

1 It means that you need to run dbt parse before run this hook (dbt >= 1.5). 2 It means that you need to run dbt docs generate before run this hook.

How it works

  • Hook takes all changed SQL files.

  • SQL is parsed and if it contains direct tables (not ref() or source()), the hook fails.

Last updated