Search and Discovery

Find any fivetran connectors, dbt™* models or BI dashboards and get a view of upstream and downstream dependencies.

Navigate to the lineage app, start by searching for your node name and select from the menu to view your end to end lineage dependencies.

Paradime catalog allows you to search and discover dbt™️ documentation as well as BI tools and ELT integrations data assets.


At the top of your screen you can use the search bar to enter a data product name, description or tags. You can use the checkboxes to refine your search.

Filter your search results

To the right of the search bar, you can filter search results by:

  • Asset type: Filter results table, column, dbt™ exposure

  • Classification: Filter by specific classifications (AKA meta tags) you've made to your model, individual columns, etc.

  • Alphabetical order:

Discover data products

Using the left-panel you can navigate through your data products for all the connected integrations. Additionally, you can manually search data assets within your dbt project and database.

Data assets view

Once you find your data asset of interest, click on it to see a comprehensive summary of the data asset.

Check our integrations here to enhance your data discovery experience.

Last updated