
Connecting the Slack integration

Paradime Slack App integration is set up by the Admin user for the organization profile. To enable the integration, open your Account Settings > Integrations, find the Paradime Slack App and click Connect.

Another option is to enable it right from the Invite Members modal:

You will be redirected to authorize in Slack. Please enter your credentials and sign in to Slack.

Invite team members via Slack

Using the Slack app will make it easier to invite your team members to your Paradime workspace. After connecting the integration you will be able to select users directly from your Slack workspace and send an invite link via Slack.

Invite users

Get notifications via Slack

The Slack integration in Paradime enables you to send alerts to a Slack channel and/or Slack users when a schedule run succeeds or fails.

Disabling the App

To disable the integration, go to the Profile settings > Integrations and click disconnect.

Last updated