

Make sure to allow traffic from one of the Paradime IPs in your firewall depending on the data location selected.

👉 See also: Paradime IP addresses.

Suggested permissions

This set of permissions will enable users in Paradime to read from and create tables and views when running dbt™️ from the Paradime terminal in you BigQuery project.

BigQuery Data Editor
BigQuery User

Add Development Connection

You will be prompted to add a Development connection during the onboarding, or you can add more connections by going to account settings > connections, select Development Environment and enter the required fields.

Using BigQuery OAuth

Check our Tutorial on how to setup BigQuery OAuth in your BIgQuery account. Once this connection is configured, each user will be redirected to BigQuery and asked to approved the required scopes.

BigQuery OAuth

Fields Details

Below are list of fields and example to create a connection.

  • 🏢 Workspace level fields are set by the the workspace Admin and not configurable for by user

  • 👥 User level fields are set by each user (Admin/Developer) when setting the Development connection.


Profile Name

The profile name set in your dbt_project.yaml . See more here.


🏢 Workspace level


The target name used to identify the connection. See more here.


🏢 Workspace level

Dataset Location

The location of BigQuery datasets can be configured using the location configuration in a BigQuery profile.

Location can be either a multi-regional location (e.g. EU, US), or a regional location (e.g. europe-west2 ). See more here.


🏢 Workspace level

Project ID

The unique identifier of your BigQuery project. See more here.


🏢 Workspace level

Client ID

The Client ID generated when setting up the OAuth credentials.

🏢 Workspace level

Client Secret

The Client Secret generated when setting up the OAuth credentials.


🏢 Workspace level

Execution Project ID (Optional)

You can specify an Execution Project ID to bill for query execution, instead of the project where you materialize your resources. See more here.

(Optional) analytics-global-project

🏢 Workspace level


The default dataset used to build dbt™️ objects at runtime.


👥 User level


The number of threads used in this connection. See more here.


👥 User level

Using BigQuery Service Account JSON

Uploading a service account JSON key file is the quickly and accurately way to configure a connection to BigQuery and authenticate each user's development credentials.

To create a service account in BigQuery, follow the detailed steps in Google Cloud's Creating and managing service account keys.

Field Details

Below are list of fields and example to create a connection.

  • 🏢 Workspace level fields are set by the the workspace Admin and not configurable for by user

  • 👥 User level fields are set by each user (Admin/Developer) when setting the Development connection.


Profile Name

The profile name set in your dbt_project.yaml . See more here.


🏢 Workspace level


The target name used to identify the connection. See more here.


🏢 Workspace level

Dataset Location

The location of BigQuery datasets can be configured using the location configuration in a BigQuery profile.

Location can be either a multi-regional location (e.g. EU, US), or a regional location (e.g. europe-west2 ). See more here.


🏢 Workspace level

Service AccountService Account JSON

The service account JSON file created for this service user.


🏢 Workspace level

Execution Project ID (Optional)

You can specify an Execution Project ID to bill for query execution, instead of the project where you materialize your resources. See more here.

(Optional) analytics-global-project

🏢 Workspace level


The default dataset used to build dbt™️ objects at runtime.


👥 User level


The number of threads used in this connection. See more here.


👥 User level

Last updated