
Identify your organization's cloud

You'll need your organization's cloud details to identify the endpoint for Paradime authentication.

For GCP organizations, use:

For AWS organizations, use:

To identify your organization's cloud:

  1. Login to your Sigma account.

  2. In the top right of the screen, click your profile avatar and then click Administration to open your Account page.

  3. On the Account page, under Site in General Settings, view the cloud details.

Create an API token and client ID

To create an API token and client ID:

  1. Login to your Sigma account.

  2. In the top right of the screen, click your profile avatar and then click Administration.

  3. In the left panel, navigate to Developer Access.

  4. In the top right of the Developer Access page, click the Create New button.

  5. In the Create client credentials dialog,

    1. Select privileges: click the Rest API checkbox

    2. Name: enter a meaningful name like Paradime API credentials

    3. Owner: select the user you would like to associate with the token

  6. Click Create to finish creating the API token.

  7. Once prompted, copy and paste your Client ID and API key secret in a secure location.

Both the API token and the client ID are required for authentication in Paradime.

Verify necessary permissions

Ensure that the owner associated with the API token has the following permissions:

  • Can View permission for all the Sigma workbooks and datasets you want to crawl.

  • Can Use permission for all the Sigma connections used in the workbooks and datasets.

To grant permissions, follow the instructions in these links:

Connect the Sigma integration

The Sigma integration is set up by the Admin user for your organization profile. To enable the integration open your Account Settings > Integrations find the Sigma integration and click Connect.

  1. Add your Host Name, Client ID and Client Secret to get Paradime connected to your Sigma instance.

  2. Click on Test Connection to validate that Paradime can connect to your Sigma account.

Last updated