

Make sure to allow traffic from one of the Paradime IPs in your firewall depending on the data location selected.

👉 See also: Paradime IP addresses.

Add Development Connection

You will be prompted to add a Development connection during the onboarding, or you can add more connections by going to account settings > connections, select Development Environment and enter the required fields.

Configuration for a MotherDuck Connection

In the Development connection setup screen, you will need to fill in the form with the details of the connection you want to use to run dbt™️ models against a MotherDuck database.

In this example we are connecting to s3 to read/write parquet files using an AWS access key and secret, these secrets can be stored in the user environment variable settings.

Below are list of fields and example to create a connection.


Profile Name

The profile name set in your dbt_project.yaml . See more here.


🏢 Workspace level


The target name used to identify the connection. See more here.


🏢 Workspace level

Profile Configuration

  • Here is where you can define the path to the MotherDuck database where the dbt™️ will run.

  • Additionally you will be able to configure any supported DuckDB extensions by listing them in the extensions

  • You can also set any additional DuckDB configuration options via the settings field, including options that are supported in any loaded extensions.

      - httpfs
      - parquet
      path: md:jaffle_shop_dev
        s3_access_key_id: '{{ env_var("S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID") }}'
        s3_region: '{{ env_var("S3_REGION", "us-west-1") }}'
        s3_secret_access_key: '{{ env_var("S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY") }}'
👥 User level

MotherDuck access token

The MotherDuck service token for authentication, see more here. This will be stored with the name motherduck_tokenin your user environment variables.


👥 User level


The default schema used to build dbt™️ objects at runtime.


👥 User level


The number of threads used in this connection. See more here.


👥 User level

Authenticating to MotherDuck

When using MotherDuck we will need to persist your MotherDuck service token for authentication.

To create an access token:

  • Go to the MotherDuck UI

  • In top left click on organization name and then Settings

  • Click + Create token

  • Specify a name for the token that you'll recognize (like "Paradime")

  • Choose whether you want the token to expire and then click on Create token

  • Copy the access token token to your clipboard by clicking on the copy icon

Check you are able to connect to MotherDuck

To test you connection to MotherDuck:

  1. To launch the DuckDB CLI and connect to MotherDuck using Paradime terminal by running the following command:

duckdb "md:"
  1. Test your MotherDuck connection using the following command. It will run in the cloud to display a list of your MotherDuck databases.

show all databases;

Explore data in your MotherDuck database from Paradime

Paradime integrates with Harlequin out of the box - no installation required. Check our integration guide on how you can query where you can query data directly from the Paradime Terminal.


Last updated