Setting up your dbt_project.yml

The dbt_project.yml file is a crucial configuration file for any dbt project. It defines project-wide settings and default behaviors for your dbt models.


The dbt_project.yml file serves several important functions:

  • Identifies the root of your dbt project

  • Configures project-wide settings

  • Sets default materializations for your models

  • Defines model-specific configurations

Key Components

Project Name and Version

name: 'my_dbt_project'
version: '1.0.0'
  • name: A unique identifier for your project

  • version: The version of your dbt project (optional)

Models Configuration

    materialized: view
      materialized: table
  • Sets default materializations for your models

  • Can be overridden in individual model files

Best Practices

  1. Use meaningful and consistent naming conventions

  2. Keep your project structure organized and reflected in your dbt_project.yml

  3. Regularly review and update your dbt_project.yml as your project evolves

  4. Use environment variables for sensitive information

  5. Comment your configurations for better maintainability

Remember, the dbt_project.yml file is version controlled and should be committed to your repository along with your dbt project files.

Last updated