Viewing Schedule Output

The Bolt UI, provides an interface where you can not only view your run statuses and details but also find in a single place all the logs and artifacts produced by each command in a production run.

Download logs

For each execution step in a production run, you can choose to view and download locally either:

  • Console logs

  • Debug logs

Simply select the type of logs you want to download and click on the Download Logs button.

dbt™️ commands artifacts

Every time a dbt™️ command is executed in a Bolt schedules, dbt Core™️ generates a set of artifacts like, manifest.json, catalog.json, run_results.json and sources.json in addition to the compiled and run SQL of a dbt™️ objects.

In the Bolt Schedule run interface you can search and preview or download each of the above file produced by a dbt™️ command.

Last updated