Using GitHub Actions

You can build your custom Continuous Deployment jobs using GitHub Actions and Bolt APIs.

To use this feature it is required to have a production environment configured in Paradime.

ℹ️ Check our setup guide here based on your data warehouse provider.

Create a CD Bolt schedule

To start create a new Bolt schedule and make sure to add the deferred_schedule configuration. Depending on your intended behavior you can choose to defer to another production job or defer back to the last CD run.

The deferred_schedule_name set in the configuration should have at least one successful run available so that Paradime can pick the manifest.json for state comparison.

Example schedule

  - name: continuous_deployment_run # the name of your CD job
      enabled: true # true to enabled this Turbo CI job to run on pull request
      deferred_schedule_name: hourly_run #the name of the bolt schedule where the CD job will look for the most recent successful run manifest.json for state comparison
    schedule: "OFF" # set the schedule configuration to not run on a schedule (to be used for PR only)
    environment: production #the environment used to run the schedule -> this is always production
      - dbt run --select state:modified+ #the dbt™️ command you want to run after the pull request is merged
    owner_email: "" #the email of the CD job owner_email

Generate API keys and find you workspace token

API keys are generated at a workspace level.

To be able to trigger Bolt using the API, you will first need to generate API keys for your workspace. Got to account settings and generate your API keys, make sure to save in your password manager:

  • API key

  • API secret

  • API Endpoint

  • Workspace token

You will need this later when setting up the secret in GitHub

API KeysCompany & Workspace token

Create a GitHub Action

Create a folder called .github and let's add a subfolder called workflows in your dbt™️ repository. Here we can add a new paradime_cd.yml file. Copy the code block below and enter the values required.

Example GitHub action configuration file
name: paradime_continuous_deployment

  SCHEDULE_NAME: <the schedule name set in Paradime> #example continuous_deployment_run
  API_ENDPOINT: <the api endpoint generated in the previous step> #example
  API_KEY: ${{ secrets.PARADIME_API_KEY }}
  WORKSPACE_TOKEN: <the workspace token generated in the previous step> #example 8p232d9mo4cvea9w
  BASE_PARADIME_BOLT_URL: <the Paradime URL of your instance, make sure to include /bolt/run_id/> # Example

      - main
    types: [closed]

    if: ${{ github.event.pull_request.merged }}
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    timeout-minutes: 60

    - name: Set up Python
      uses: actions/setup-python@v2
        python-version: '3.8' # Specify the version of Python you want to use

    - name: Install dependencies
      run: |
        python -m pip install --upgrade pip
        pip install paradime-io

    - name: Trigger Bolt Run and Check Status
      shell: python
      run: |
        import time
        from paradime import Paradime
        # Create a Paradime client with your API credentials
        paradime = Paradime(api_endpoint='${{ env.API_ENDPOINT }}', api_key='${{ env.API_KEY }}',
                            api_secret='${{ env.API_SECRET }}')
        # Trigger a run of the Bolt schedule and get the run ID
        run_id = paradime.bolt.trigger_run(schedule_name='${{ env.SCHEDULE_NAME }}',
                                           branch='${{ github.event.pull_request.base.ref }}')
        if not run_id:
            raise Exception("Failed to trigger Bolt run")
            f'Triggered Bolt Run. View run details: "${{ env.BASE_PARADIME_BOLT_URL }}{run_id}?workspaceToken=${{ env.WORKSPACE_TOKEN }}"'
        # Continuously check the run status
        while True:
            run_status = paradime.bolt.get_run_status(run_id)
            print(f'Run Status: {run_status}')
            if run_status != 'RUNNING':
                break  # Exit loop if status is anything other than RUNNING
            time.sleep(10)  # Wait for 10 seconds before checking again
        exit(0 if run_status == 'SUCCESS' else 1)

Add the API keys and Credentials in the GitHub actions secrets

Finally, you need to add the API key and credentials generated in the previous step in GitHub.

Set the corresponding values using your credentials for the variable names:





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